Research Syntheses and the Researcher-Practitioner-Gap
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Research Synthesis
Practice Transfer
Digital Media

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Munk, Simon, Lisa Ziernwald, Kaley Lesperance, and Doris Holzberger. 2023. “Research Syntheses and the Researcher-Practitioner-Gap: A Contribution to the Discussion on Potentials and Limitations Based on a Research Synthesis on the Use of Educational Technology”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 54 (Research Syntheses):28-50.


Copyright (c) 2023 Simon Munk, Lisa Ziernwald, Kaley Lesperance, Doris Holzberger

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In recent years, attention to scientific findings in education has grown in importance. However, a gap has become apparent between science and practice, meaning scientific findings do not always reach the classroom (researcher-practitioner-gap). This article contributes to the discussion on this issue and sheds light on the potentials and limitations of research syntheses to reduce the researcher-practitioner-gap. We propose three main arguments that show that research syntheses are able to reduce the researcher-practitioner gap: facilitate an overview of the research, investigate generalizability, and increase transparency and therefore trust in science. Despite the potential of research syntheses to reduce the researcher-practitioner-gap, the limits of using research syntheses for practice should also be considered. These include the abstract nature of the results and the difficulty in changing teacher beliefs. To address the limitations of research syntheses, we argue that a science-practice transfer is of central importance. A two-way exchange enables empirical evidence to reach educational practice and thus can optimize teaching and learning. Finally, using an example from media education, the concrete implementation of science-practice transfer is examined in more detail.


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