Virtual Laboratory Exploration Tour – Design, Development and Evaluation
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virtual tours
360° video
didactic scenario
virtual laboratories
Educational Technology
Virtual Reality
Immersive Learning
human computer interaction

How to Cite

Braun, Christoph, Fares Kayali, and Thomas Moser. 2023. “Virtual Laboratory Exploration Tour – Design, Development and Evaluation: Practical Example from the Project DigiLabTour Ost”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 51 (AR/VR - Part 2):246-67.


Copyright (c) 2023 Christoph Braun, Fares Kayali, Thomas Moser

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (sme’s) in Lower Austria are currently facing the challenge that often there is not enough time for further education available. Although facilities such as FabLabs or MakerLabs invite to attend on their workshops in the field of 3D printing or laser cutting in their workrooms and laboratories, the facilities are still little known at the target group for knowledge transfer. Therefore, the project DigiLabTour Ost was initiated targeting to make such spaces independently from time and location accessible to the target group using virtual tours. Selected laboratories should be online and prepared as a didactic scenario accessible. The article presents a practical example of a design-based research process and shows how virtual tours could be designed, produced, and evaluated to solve a practical problem in education. Starting from a set of predefined design questions which should be answered in the context of the practical example, the process of development and the first virtual tours followed. A formative evaluation showed that the web application is accepted by the target group. Based on the target group-oriented interaction design, further investigations on the integration of sequenced animations in virtual tours shall be conducted.


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