What Do You Actually Mean When You Talk about ‹Feedback›?
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Brück-Hübner, Annika, and Jennifer Schluer. 2023. “What Do You Actually Mean When You Talk about ‹Feedback›? Chances and Limitations of Qualitative Content-Analytical Scoping Reviews for Developing Pedagogical Taxonomies Using the Example of ‹Feedback› Implementations”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 54 (Research Syntheses):125-66. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/54/2023.11.29.X.


Copyright (c) 2023 Annika Brück-Hübner, Jennifer Schluer

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A close look at the empirical literature in the field of (media) pedagogy reveals that numerous key terms, such as the term ‹feedback›, have been utilized in many different ways. The reasons for this are not only divergent conceptual understandings and empirical approaches, but also varying teaching and learning methods, which result in a plethora of concrete didactic implementations in the classroom. However, this plurality of pedagogical scenarios has received little attention in previous feedback reviews, although variations in pedagogical design can affect the learning success and thus also the results of empirical studies. Often, the feedback scenarios have been described insufficiently in the primary studies, which in turn complicates the calculation and interpretation of effect sizes in meta-analyses. The authors therefore conducted a qualitative content-analytical scoping review of pedagogical scenarios in feedback research to capture the wide range of possible implementations. For this purpose, a taxonomy has been developed that charts different pedagogical variants in a comprehensive manner, which could serve as a foundation for the transparent description of feedback designs in future studies and meta-analyses. On that basis, the paper discusses the chances and limitations of qualitative content-analytical scoping reviews for the creation of such pedagogical taxonomies.



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Anhang: Liste der analysierten Studien

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