Reflective Gaming?
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Digital Games
Media competence
Geography education
societal challenges
qualitative interview study

How to Cite

Lux, Joelle-Denise, and Alexandra Budke. 2023. “Reflective Gaming? How Young Gamers Reflect Upon Representations of Societal Topics in Games”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2023 (Occasional Papers):188-211.


Copyright (c) 2023 Joelle-Denise Lux, Alexandra Budke

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Digital games are increasingly moving into the focus of media education. Many current commercial games deal with societal issues from a systemic perspective thus holding potential for fostering a competent engagement with these real-life challenges. This makes them interesting for media pedagogy and various school subjects that seek to build up the respective skills, such as geography classes. A decisive factor for the impact is whether they are critically reflected upon by the players. The extent to which this already happens in an informal context is investigated in the present study. Based on these findings, we draw conclusions about which aspects should be focussed on in a guided reflection in class in order to utilise the gamesʼ maximum potential. For this purpose, we first develop a model that describes, which levels of reflection should be considered in the context of digital games on societal issues. This model is then used in a qualitative interview study with young players. Among other things, it is found that there is a good basis for reflection through intensive engagement with the game system, but also that critical reflection on the realism of the games and meta-reflection on the medium in particular require support in the classroom.


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