‹Participating is Better than Just Watching›
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Interviewleitfaden Zyklus 1 (Deutsch)
Interviewleitfaden Zyklus 2 (Deutsch)


interactive learning videos
explainer videos
multimodal learning
mathematics didactics

How to Cite

Bach, Stephan, Mike Altieri, and Lena Vilsmeier. 2024. “‹Participating Is Better Than Just Watching›: Qualitative Study at Vocational Schools on the Perception and Motivational Effect of an Interactive Mathematics Instructional Video”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2024 (Occasional Papers):95-124. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2024.02.14.X.


Copyright (c) 2024 Stephan Bach, Mike Altieri, Lena Vilsmeier

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Videos offer a great potential to support teaching and learning processes; however, their primarily receptive nature presents a challenge with regard to activating learners. Here, the integration of interactive elements promises some additional value. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study conducted in 2021 at vocational schools in Bavaria. Within two cycles of a design research project, the perception and motivational effects of an interactive learning video on elementary algebra were examined. In addition to the usual control functions, the video contains further interactive elements, such as tasks with automatic feedback and cognitive prompts. Participants worked on the video in teams of two in a laboratory setting. The interviews conducted subsequently were evaluated using a qualitative content analysis according to Mayring with the technique of inductive category formation. The results of the first cycle show that learners attach great importance to interaction with the video, while aspects of media design play a rather subordinate role. Therefore, the importance of interactive elements, specifically their effect on learning motivation, was examined more closely in cycle 2. Here, the results underline the great potential of interactive elements for the motivational design of learning videos. This is based on situational incentives on the one hand, and various personal factors on the other. Recommendations for the design of interactive elements in learning videos can be derived from the results.



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