Identification of Limiting Factors in Schools
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Inclusive Digital School
Dissolution of boundaries
digital Media
Special Education

How to Cite

Obermeier, Claudia, Daniela Müller, Johanna Profft, Julia Hartung, and Nicole Vieregg. 2023. “Identification of Limiting Factors in Schools: How the Dovetailing of Inclusion and Digitization Can Contribute to the Dissolution of Inhibiting Factors in Schools”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 53 (ENTGRENZUNGEN):96-114.


Copyright (c) 2023 Claudia Obermeier, Daniela Müller, Johanna Profft, Julia Hartung , Nicole Vieregg

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The focus of this article is to identify limiting factors in relation to an inclusive digitally designed school and how they can be overcome. Therefore, the results from the four subprojects of the BMBF-funded joint project Dig*In (Digitalization and Inclusion – Key questions and felicity conditions in inclusive and digital school and teaching development) are consulted. Within the joint project, interviews, group discussions, focus groups and workshops were conducted at german schools between 2020 and 2021 to investigate and analyze the current state of inclusion and digitization. Subprojects I and II focused on the school level (meso level) and provide an overview of the conceptual consideration of inclusion and digitization in school and an insight into the existing processes and structures of the implementation process. Subprojects III and IV focused on the teaching level (micro level) and illustrate the potential that the use of digital media offers for developing inclusive teaching and learning scenarios, and which limitations teachers have to overcome. It is evident, the basis of an inclusive digital school is a school culture oriented toward inclusive values and principles. Limiting factors are: different media competencies or a lack of methodological knowledge. Creating and establishing individual structures and processes teachers overcome these limitations. The use of digital media can be beneficial for the successful implementation of inclusion and digitization in schools and class yet also a challenge.


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