Promoting Affective Components of Children by a Maker Course on Robotics
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Educational Robotics
Physical Computing
affective factors
Primary Education

How to Cite

Greifenstein, Luisa, Ewald Wasmeier, Ute Heuer, and Gordon Fraser. 2024. “Promoting Affective Components of Children by a Maker Course on Robotics: Findings on the Relation of Difficulties and Fun and Their Discussion from a Motivational Perspective”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):429-56.


Copyright (c) 2024 Luisa Greifenstein, Ewald Wasmeier, Ute Heuer, Gordon Fraser

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Computational thinking is increasingly fostered in primary schools. While this current development can be challenging for teachers, especially regarding the support of students, there is a huge opportunity in promoting affective components such as interest and motivation. Playful and action-oriented methods and tasks are often used which is why the maker education approach is particularly suitable. This paper describes a making course on robotics and discusses initial empirical findings. During the course, all children built their own robot in four hours by screwing, plugging, gluing, soldering and wiring on their own. In another four hours, the robot was programmed with the help of a child-friendly development environment. In order to derive criteria for promoting children affectively, we conducted a study with 45 children aged nine to eleven years. The children’s difficulties during building and programming the robot were noted. By this, several criteria could be derived that lead to frequent difficulties. In addition, the children were asked about their fun (as a preliminary stage of intrinsic motivation) after they had finished building and programming. By this, we found that difficulties that limit autonomy or competence are related to reduced fun. Practical recommendations that enable making activities in the classroom that promote affective components are discussed.


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