Didactic Scenarios in the Field of Production Technologies
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virtual laboratories
Learning scenarios
Hybrid teaching
playful learning

How to Cite

Braun, Christoph, Matthias Steinböck, David Haselberger, and Fares Kayali. 2024. “Didactic Scenarios in the Field of Production Technologies: Exploring the Usage of Teaching and Learning Spaces in Vienna and Lower Austria”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):216-41. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/56/2024.01.12.X.


Copyright (c) 2024 Christoph Braun, Matthias Steinböck, David Haselberger, Fares Kayali

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This article presents the results of an explorative study of the current situation to the usage of nine teaching and learning spaces located at universities in the East of Austria in the field of digital production technologies. Researchers who are themselves involved in laboratory teaching, design and organization conducted up to one-hour semi-structured interviews with the respective lab experts. The data collected this way were then assigned to the components of didactical scenarios according to Reinmann (2015). The outcomes showed which (partly playful) forms of transfer, activation, support, and assessment are used for the gaining competence and knowledge, as well as which possibilities were created for online laboratory teaching due to the corona pandemic. The study shows that although the premises differ in terms of content and target group orientation, the teaching-learning scenarios used are comparable. The playful character of playing and trying out is emphasized. It was also recognized that due to high organizational, personnel and infrastructural challenges, there are currently only few actually feasible online settings (e.g., distance laboratory teaching). In addition, the authors of the study recognize an untapped potential of the laboratories in the target group-oriented use. For example, laboratories are usually used for a few or similar target groups (e. g., small and medium-sized enterprises or teachers). In this article, the authors present how these spaces could be used for other target groups such as pupils, students, teachers, etc. for knowledge transfer activities. For this purpose, final recommendations regarding usage for several target groups, as well as for the integration of virtual and playful approaches, are described in the form of an example scenario with practical considerations. The article should be an offer to existing labs to consider more heterogeneous learning groups and provide the basis for further empirical investigations regarding the applicability of the practical example scenario for more diverse groups.



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