VReiraum – An Interdisciplinary Makerspace for the Development of VR/AR Learning Scenarios
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virtual reality
augmented reality
Teacher Education

How to Cite

Prote, Lisann, Anja Tschiersch, and Nina Brendel. 2024. “VReiraum – An Interdisciplinary Makerspace for the Development of VR/AR Learning Scenarios”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):407-28. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/56/2024.03.08.X.


Copyright (c) 2024 Lisann Prote, Anja Tschiersch , Nina Brendel

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The growing importance of VR/AR technologies in teaching contexts (e.g. in subjects such as geography, chemistry, history, mathematics, music or computer science) requires appropriate training of prospective teachers in order to be able to use VR/AR learning scenarios in classrooms and to utilise the potential of these learning media in a meaningful sense. The project VReiraum used explorative research methods to qualitatively investigate the competencies which are required for this and the conditions for success to which this can be achieved (across disciplines) in university teaching. The central element of the project was an interdisciplinary makerspace, which has been adapted and restructured after the first run of the project. Initial findings showed that networking of the six involved subjects can only succeed, if the lecturers pre-structure possible interfaces for using the makerspace. In this way, the expertise of the various subjects can be better utilized in the future. Testing and evaluating (self-developed) learning scenarios in school has proven to be very important and remain a component of several courses in the second run of the project in summer 2023.



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