‹Making at School›
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open learning spaces
Teacher Education
Computional Thinking

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Spieler, Bernadette, Tobias M. Schifferle, and Manuela Dahinden. 2024. “‹Making at School›: Teachers’ Experiences from the Design-Based Research Project”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):331-63. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/56/2024.02.14.X.


Copyright (c) 2024 Bernadette Spieler, Tobias M. Schifferle, Manuela Dahinden

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Making offers students the opportunity to develop hands-on skills in a self-directed learning environment. For teachers, Making can show an innovative approach to stimulate interest through creative design or digital projects. As a part of the two-year DIZH project «Making at School», the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zürich) is developing different scenarios for Making for 5th to 9th grade. This paper presents the results of three of these trainings with a total of 13 teachers as well as their experiences with about 60 classes (ca. 600 pupils). In line with the design-based research approach, different methods such as interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with the teachers involved, and lesson plans and final statements were collected. Special attention was paid to various details in planning the lesson, such as focusing on specific competences, learning content, or the structure of the unit. First results show that teachers were able to implement new ideas with their classes but needed additional support especially in the in-depth courses. Additional support was needed in terms of knowledge about specific tools (e.g., laser cutter, stitching machine) or applications (e.g., programming, vectorising, Embroidery Designer App).



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