Digital Fabrication: A Bridge between Making and Informatics
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Digital Fabrication
Computer Studies

How to Cite

Baberowski, David, Thiemo Leonhardt, and Nadine Bergner. 2024. “Digital Fabrication: A Bridge Between Making and Informatics”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):314-30.


Copyright (c) 2024 David Baberowski, Thiemo Leonhardt, Nadine Bergner

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Digital fabrication (DF) refers to the planning, design, and manufacturing of objects with the help of software and computer-controlled tools. DF is closely related to Making and Maker Education and at the same time offers many possibilities for media and computer science education. The paper argues for DF as a connector between maker education and computer science education by introducing a DF process consisting of the three steps of construction, transformation, and interpretation. This process is considered from both user and subject informatics perspectives. The identified connecting points are then compared with existing competency models in computer science. The result is that a broad coverage of the competence areas (based on the educational standards of the GI) can be achieved with the application of DF in computer science education. In addition to this important prerequisite, the training of teachers is of great importance for a firm integration of Making and DF in computer science lessons, which is why a seminar concept for student teachers was developed. The first learnings of the pilot show that an integration of DF into computer science teaching can succeed and point out open research questions. In particular, for a sustainable and comprehensive anchoring of Making in school lessons, the integration of project methods and student-centeredness in computer science lessons is necessary in addition to the content-related fit.


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