Success Factors of Making as an Educational Innovation from the Perspective of School Development
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School Development
practice research

How to Cite

Maurer, Björn, and Selina Ingold. 2023. “Success Factors of Making As an Educational Innovation from the Perspective of School Development: Gelingensfaktoren Aus Sicht Der Schulentwicklung”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):37-68.


Copyright (c) 2023 Björn Maurer, Selina Ingold

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Maker education has meanwhile also found its way into schools in German-speaking countries. To make pedagogical making a systematic and content-related integral part of everyday school life, it needs to be approached as a school development project, designed, implemented, and analyzed accordingly, rather than being limited to occasional short-term educational activities like maker days or block weeks. Based on a participatory action research project with five pilot schools in Switzerland, this paper shows the challenges of implementing pedagogical making and the factors that support such a school development project. The collected data is analyzed in this interim evaluation using the extracting qualitative content analysis method and Apriori categories. The categories are derived from three models of school development research and current research literature on making and school development (Rolff 2019; Altrichter und Wiesinger 2004; Holtappels 2013). The analyzed success factors can be located in Rolff‘s school development model, with this paper focusing on factors in the school environment, organizational development, and personnel development to support interested schools in introducing pedagogical making.


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