The Computer-Related Self-Concept as an Indicator of Job-Specific Computer and Information-Related Attitudes and Competencies of Prospective Primary School Teachers
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DigiLeG_Stud_20_21_Fragebogen (pdf) (Deutsch)
DigiLeG_Stud_20_21_Rohdaten (xlsx) (Deutsch)
DigiLeG_Stud_20_21_Skalendokumentation (pdf) (Deutsch)
DigiLeG_Stud_20_21_Skript.R (Deutsch)
DigiLeG_Stud_20_21_Übersicht_Fallzahlen (xlsx) (Deutsch)
DigiLeG_Stud_20_21_Daten (xlsx) (Deutsch)


Computer-Related Self-Concept
Primary School
Teacher Education
E-Teaching Competencies
online survey
factor analysis

How to Cite

Winkler, Lisa-Marie, and Leena Bröll. 2024. “The Computer-Related Self-Concept As an Indicator of Job-Specific Computer and Information-Related Attitudes and Competencies of Prospective Primary School Teachers”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 57 (Medienkompetenz messen):23-45.


Copyright (c) 2024 Lisa-Marie Winkler, Leena Bröll

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The need to adequately prepare future generations for life and work in a digital society poses new challenges for teachers and thus for (initial) teacher training. Primary school teachers have a key role to play in laying the foundations for future digital socialization and education processes. Therefore, teacher educators must teach profession-specific computer and information-related competencies (ICT beliefs and competencies) for the purposeful integration of digital tools into the classroom, but also understand and, if necessary, modify the beliefs of students of primary education. To this end, this paper examines the computer-related self-concept (CSK) as a potential indicator of job-specific ICT beliefs and competencies among prospective primary school teachers. Based on a short theoretical excursus on the conceptualization and measurement of CSK, its classification in the anticipated effect structure of digital usage behavior and job-specific ICT beliefs and competencies as well as a detailed description of the methodological procedure for testing the empirical validity of the hypothesized correlations for the sample are presented. Significant positive correlations between CSK and job specific ICT beliefs and competencies indicate the importance of promoting positive domain-specific self-referent cognitions. Addressing this pedagogical task puts more focus on teacher educators and their potential role as students‘ ‹digital role models›.


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