Jingle-Jangle in the Measurement of Digital Competences


Digital Competence

How to Cite

Rubach, Charlott. 2024. “Jingle-Jangle in the Measurement of Digital Competences: An Attempt at Clarification Using (Prospective) Teachers As an Example”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 57 (Medienkompetenz messen):75-102. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/57/2024.03.25.X.


Copyright (c) 2024 Charlott Rubach

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The rapid integration of digital processes into professional settings requires continuous training in digital media to promote the development of digital competence. To scientifically investigate and verify these continuing educational processes, the construct of digital competence must be operationalized. This poses challenges in the quantitative measurement of the construct and calls for open dialogue. This paper highlights the challenges faced in investigating and measuring digital competence using research on teachers as an illustrative example. Current challenges are (a) the absence of a unified definition of digital competence, (b) debates regarding the relation between basic and professional digital competence, (c) questions about the justification of skills, knowledge, and motivation, as well as (d) issues with inconsistent terminology and the mismatch with existing measurement, referred to as jingle-jangle fallacies. These challenges jeopardize transparency and interdisciplinary dialogue in the field. The paper discusses existing challenges and proposes solutions for enhancing transparency and avoiding research pitfalls. Strategies such as establishing accurate theoretical foundations, clarifying the elements of the competence being measured, and employing precise terminology are suggested to advance interdisciplinary research on teachers’ digital competence.



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