Advertising Literacy of Adolescents in the Context of Influencer Marketing
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Advertising Literacy
Social Media
Influencer Marketing

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Jahn, Josephine, Tobias Vogel, Aaron Heinz, Dorien Duffner-Korbee, Lale Rüther, and Tamara Marksteiner. 2024. “Advertising Literacy of Adolescents in the Context of Influencer Marketing: Development and Validation of a Survey Instrument”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 57 (Medienkompetenz messen):127-63.


Copyright (c) 2024 Josephine Jahn, Tobias Vogel, Aaron Heinz, Dorien Duffner-Korbee, Lale Rüther, Tamara Marksteiner

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Advertising by influencers poses a challenge for young people, as the editorial content of a medium (without the intention to sell) is intertwined with the persuasive content of advertising messages (encouragement to consume). The aim of this article is therefore to develop an instrument that measures the competence of young people in dealing with influencer marketing. This is why existing scales on advertising literacy were translated, adapted to the context of influencer marketing and expanded. The resulting items were validated using a sample of 14- to 18-year-olds (N = 248). Based on factor-analytical results, the Adolescent Advertising Literacy Scale – Influencer Marketing (AALS-IM) is proposed. In its final version, it distinguishes between two dimensions of this dispositional competence: The conceptual dimension refers to knowledge about and recognition of influencer marketing, while the evaluative dimension represents the personal attitude towards influencer marketing. Both dimensions are represented in the instrument by a total of eight scales consisting of 41 items. The analysis of correlative relationships between and within the dimensions as well as the consideration of descriptive statistics and estimates of internal consistency complete the validation. To conclude, approaches for further studies of advertising literacy in the context of influencer marketing are discussed.


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