Criteria for Inclusion-Sensitive Educational Materials and Their Further Development for the Digital Context
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Open Educational Resources
Learning Material

How to Cite

Pieper, Marlene, Christoph Bierschwale, Zuzana Sikorová, and Michaela Vogt. 2023. “Criteria for Inclusion-Sensitive Educational Materials and Their Further Development for the Digital Context”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 20 (Inklusive Medienbildung):669-88.


Copyright (c) 2023 Marlene Pieper, Christoph Bierschwale, Zuzana Sikorová, Michaela Vogt

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Against the backdrop of increasing heterogeneity in classrooms and the ongoing digitization of school teaching and learning contexts, there is a growing demand for the inclusive potential of educational materials and, more specifically, Open Educational Resources (OER). While the ITM project (Inclusive Teaching Materials) has focused since 2018 on the development of a low-threshold usable criteria catalogue and training modules, the DigiLLM project (Digital Living Learning Materials) transfers the reflection on the connection between inclusion and educational materials decidedly into the context of digitality. In this paper, we approach the questions of (1) how criteria for inclusion-sensitive educational materials can look like and (2) how they can be further developed in view of ongoing developments of education under conditions of digitality as well as Open Educational Resources in particular. In addition to an outline of the corresponding criteria, the research methodological approaches that precede the development of the criteria will be explained. Based on these explanations, it will be worked out that criteria for inclusion-sensitive educational materials can be condensed to key topics and questions that can remain constant despite constantly changing preconditions. Inclusion sensitivity is thus framed as a reflection framework for an active and critical approach to educational materials.


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