Inclusive Media Studies with 3D-Environments
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learning environments
Teaching and Learning
Virtual Reality

How to Cite

Reimer, Ricarda T.D., and Kathrin Kochs. 2023. “Inclusive Media Studies With 3D-Environments: Practical Experience and Ideas of Research”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 20 (Inklusive Medienbildung):649-67.


Copyright (c) 2023 Kathrin Kochs, Ricarda T.D. Reimer

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Collaborative 3D environments open new design spaces, forms of communication and access in education – especially regarding inclusion and participation. The new possibilities for collaborative work, the experience of immersion – in this case in a 3D environment –, the visibility of the user via avatars in their individually designed appearance, offer opportunities for inclusive digital media education. The accessibility of 3D environments needs to be reflected critically, as they can contain barriers that may impede participation in educational opportunities. There is also a risk of excluding certain people, cultures, etc. if they are not considered in the design of the graphical environment and the user interface. For more than two years, the FHNW has been using the 3D environment called AULA (cf. vComm Solution 2019) of the provider vComm in teaching and practical research (project «FHNW Learning Spaces»; cf. Reimer and Kochs 2020). Based on many years of experience and expertise (cf. Reimer and Volk 2009), we see the need to elaborate on the opportunities and risks of designing inclusive 3D offerings for teaching and learning. In the paper, we first describe, what collaborative 3D environments are and what characterizes them. Subsequently, we present (research) projects for this approach as well as complementary approaches that deal with the prerequisites for making inclusion possible and with concrete support. Finally, we discuss further research questions for this field.


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