Back to the Future?
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future skills

How to Cite

Kalz, Marco. 2023. “Back to the Future? A Literature-Based Critique of Future Skills”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2023 (Occasional Papers):332-52.


Copyright (c) 2023 Marco Kalz

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Future skills are regarded to be a solution for current societal and global challenges. In the German political discourse, the concept has been introduced without a proper analysis and critical discussion of prior approaches and evidence of the concept and its impact on adult outcomes. In this paper the historical discourse on future skills of the last 20 years is discussed. Based on existing systematic literature reviews, evidence syntheses and higher education research, the current state of the art of research is summarized and nine fundamental problems of the concept and funding of future skill initiatives are identified. Among others, the missing connection and systematisation regarding earlier approaches, the missing evidence of effects of future skills on adult outcomes and the lack of measurement approaches are identified as important shortcomings for the promotion of future skills. As an alternative approach the funding of transfer research within and outside a domain of expertise is proposed.


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