Measuring Maternal Media Education for Interactive and Non-interactive Media
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parental mediation
scale validation

How to Cite

Naab, Thorsten, Ruth Wendt, and Alexandra Langmeyer-Tornier. 2024. “Measuring Maternal Media Education for Interactive and Non-Interactive Media: Adaptation and Empirical Testing of the Measurement Instrument by Nimrod Et Al. (2019) in the Context of a Survey of Mothers of Children Aged Two to 14 Years”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 60 (Kinder und Jugendmedienforschung):51-71.


Copyright (c) 2024 Thorsten Naab, Ruth Wendt, Alexandra Langmeyer-Tornier

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In research on parental mediation, there is widespread consensus on the relevance of certain strategies such as active guidance and setting rules. Despite extensive research, however, there are only a few standardized measures that differentiate between children’s interactive and non-interactive media use. This differentiation was addressed by Nimrod, Elias und Lemish 2019 and empirically tested in a study with grandparents. In the present study, the developed scale was adapted and validated using a survey of 1,330 mothers in Germany with children aged between two and 14 years. The results confirm a good fit of the scale for mothers of younger children (two to seven years). Accordingly, it is particularly relevant for this target group to differentiate parental mediation more strongly according to the child‘s media activities, at least with regard to certain strategies (especially restrictive mediation, supervision). As the child grows older, however, such differentiation seems to become increasingly obsolete.


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