Media Diaries as a Part of Sequential Triangulation in Qualitative Research
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qualitative methods
media diary
media socialization

How to Cite

Domdey, Paulina, and Katrin Potzel. 2024. “Media Diaries As a Part of Sequential Triangulation in Qualitative Research: Potentials and Challenges Based on a Socialization Research Project”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 60 (Kinder und Jugendmedienforschung):121-38.


Copyright (c) 2024 Paulina Domdey, Katrin Potzel

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In times of deep mediatization, the everyday media life of adolescents is increasingly diverse and complex. In order to approach this empirically, it is therefore necessary to use suitable analytical instruments that provide particularly close and comparatively authentic insights into everyday media life of children and adolescents. Against this background, this article discusses the potential of the media diary method in the context of qualitative (media) socialization research. It illustrates, how structured media diaries can be used in the context of a (sequential) triangulation of methods. Step by step, the research process from the use of the diaries to the triangulative evaluation is presented and reflected upon. In this way, not only the potentials but also the challenges of the method are made clear. In combination with interviews with children and adolescents as well as their parents, a differentiated picture of media practices as well as individual media repertoires in the context of social relationships emerges. The article concludes with considerations on the further development of the method in terms of an age-appropriate implementation and under the conditions of a deep mediatized society.


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