The Mobile Experience Sampling Method (MESM) in Children’s and Youth Media Research
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Mobile Experience Sampling
Research Methods
Media Usage
Research Ethics

How to Cite

Fecke, Malin, Ada Fehr, and Daniela Schlütz. 2024. “The Mobile Experience Sampling Method (MESM) in Children’s and Youth Media Research: Opportunities and Challenges”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 60 (Kinder und Jugendmedienforschung):1-21.


Copyright (c) 2024 Malin Fecke, Ada Fehr, Daniela Schlütz

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The Mobile Experience Sampling Method (MESM) is particularly suitable for studying and researching human behavior related to smartphones. The method with its longitudinal character was developed with the aim of analyzing this behavior directly and immediately in the natural environment of the participants. Thus, it has great potential for use in youth media research: In Germany, young people are almost universally equipped with smartphones and carry their devices with them almost constantly. In addition, through repeated measurements the method not only allows researchers to identify situational effects in media use, but also to measure intra-individual differences. With regard to minors as a particularly vulnerable group, however, it is imperative to consider research ethics aspects when designing and implementing such privacy-invasive research designs. Our paper addresses both the added value of MESM specifically for research on children’s and adolescents’ media use and the specific challenges of conducting research with younger participants. We first explore these aspects at a cross-project level and then discuss specific issues we have encountered in research practice in the form of a project report.


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