Theory-Practice Integration in Journalism Studies
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Higher Education

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Franze, Marcel, and Marc-Christian Ollrog. 2024. “Theory-Practice Integration in Journalism Studies: A Curricula Analysis”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2024 (Occasional Papers):248-67.


Copyright (c) 2024 Marcel Franze, Marc-Christian Ollrog

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


How to combine and intertwine the learning of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is a core question in undergraduate journalism programmes. The integration of the two elements is seen to be a crucial educational and training promise (Bergmann and Pörksen 2007, 18). This study investigates the extent to which degree programmes in Germany follow a common pattern of theory-practice integration in the education of students. For this purpose, course catalogues of journalism studies programmes were examined through a qualitative content analysis using the analytical grid developed by Wolfgang Streitbörger (2014). The application of the analytical grid to the course catalogues also represents a successful feasibility test, as it is actually designed to examine the entire structure of a degree programme. Here it was used to identify and group individual, particularly integrative courses and modules in the curricula. A total of 34 modules and courses were identified, that could be classified as particularly integrative, and were structured into four groups. The first group consists of modules and courses in which media practice is simulated, e.g. teaching editorial office. The second group consists of modules and courses in which creative work is done with computer programmes within the framework of projects. The third group contains modules in which interdisciplinary work or work with external disciplines is done. The fourth group consists of communication science modules and courses in which empirical projects are implemented. Finally, the results of the content analysis were compared with the ideal conceptions of German journalism researchers on theory-practice integration by means of a literature comparison in order to determine commonalities and divergences.


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