The Challenge of Antidemocratic Disinformation Campaigns
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right-wing extremism
Media Education
German election campaign

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Tribukait, Maren, and Johann Trupp. 2024. “The Challenge of Antidemocratic Disinformation Campaigns: Strategies of Far-Right German and Russian Actors and Perspectives for Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 59 (Desinformation von Rechts*):105-22.


Copyright (c) 2024 Maren Tribukait, Johann Trupp

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Since Donald Trump’s successful election campaign in 2016, disinformation campaigns have been perceived worldwide as a threat to democracies. The article explores the extent to which Kremlin-affiliated Russian and far-right German actors cooperate with regard to digital disinformation strategies in Germany, and suggests consequences for media education. The description of the connections between Russian and far-right German actors using the concept of the «political field» (Bourdieu 2001) shows that both groups enhance their political capital by positioning themselves as different from the established parties in Germany and by delegating political capital to each other through group building. The analysis of the disinformation activities in the 2021 German federal election shows that the extent of cooperation cannot be fully understood, since disinformation campaigns are partly carried out covertly. However, the activities of RT Deutsch, the German program of the Russian state-owned news channel RT, highlights Russia’s centrally controlled, open interference in the German election campaign and its cooperation with the German far right. An appropriate media education should include (1) teaching research and analysis strategies, (2) promoting a «healthy sense of skepticism» (Lewandowsky et al. 2012, 121) towards information sources, (3) providing information about manipulation strategies in temporal and spatial proximity to disinformation as well as (4) integrating media education with civic education.


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