Visual Turn
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Visual Turn

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Wein, Wolfgang. 2023. “Visual Turn: The Emergence of the Concept from the ‹Grammar of Seeing›”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 55 (Bilder und Bildpraxen):126-36.


Copyright (c) 2023 Wolfgang Wein

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In view of the question of images and image practices, Wolfgang Wein’s contribution analyzes the role and function of visual concepts such as imagination, “Anschauung”, or “Vorstellung” from the perspective of a rationalist neo-Kantianism. The main aim is to work out the active side of seeing against any theory of reflection, in order to emphasize, also from the perspective of evolutionary theory, that in the sense of the visual turn, the primordiality of the visual is to be assumed even in the face of concepts. All in all, it is a matter of a grammar of seeing with recourse to Kant.


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