Negotiating Artificial Intelligence and Related Media Literacy in Online Comments
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Media literacy
Artificial Intelligence
online communication
Qualitative Social Research

How to Cite

Sūna, Laura, and Dagmar Hoffmann. 2024. “Negotiating Artificial Intelligence and Related Media Literacy in Online Comments”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2024 (Occasional Papers):195-220.


Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Sūna, Dagmar Hoffmann

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The following paper analyzes, how artificial intelligence (AI) and the associated media literacy are negotiated by users in online comment columns. The empirical study focuses on online comments written on news portals or on posts about AI on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube as well as Facebook, which may represent part of the public discourse on AI. By describing the understanding of AI, this study shows how AI narratives are taken up in the argumentation around technology assessment. This includes ideas about AI and AI-related capabilities and illustrates the extent to which AI-related capabilities are considered important by commentators both for their own lifestyles and everyday lives and for society in general. Techno-optimistic and dystopian, techno-pessimistic narratives, as sometimes found in science fiction, are identified. Both narratives are considered essential references for commentators’ knowledge of AI and they shape commentators’ opinions on this cross-sectional technology. In the context of the self-image of a competent citizen and the exaggerated attributed image of less competent fellow citizens, various competence requirements are claimed for society. The users who claim to be competent demand the appropriation of comprehensive knowledge about AI technologies, a critical-reflective evaluation, data and information literacy as well as an affective-social media literacy.


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