Reflection and Documentation of the Acquisition of Digital Skills with the Help of E-portfolios
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digital education
Teacher Training

How to Cite

Gittinger, Micha, and Tristan Eckenbach. 2024. “Reflection and Documentation of the Acquisition of Digital Skills With the Help of E-Portfolios: Ein Ansatz Zur Systematischen Professionalisierung Von Lehramtsstudierenden”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 58 (JFMH2023):73-88.


Copyright (c) 2024 Micha Gittinger, Tristan Eckenbach

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The rapidly advancing digital transformation of our society and the associated pressure on all areas of society to adapt poses major challenges for our education system. Due to its enormous pedagogical scope in influencing social adaptation processes, university teacher training has an outstanding role to play in order to overcome these challenges. Scientifically sound competency models that provide a comprehensive view of the digitalization-related skills that teachers need to develop are already available (e.g. the integrative model of the University of Duisburg-Essen [UDE model]). However, their comprehensive implementation in current teaching is still a long way off. Digitalisation-related parts of the courses offered are often not transparent and students lack the tools to systematically identify and present their own level of competence or its progression. This article describes a concept that gives students the opportunity to document their skills acquisition during the course by means of digital portfolio work. The main research interest was initially focused on the question of the extent to which the digital portfolio has proven to be constructive from the students‘ perspective. In an outlook, development potential and research desiderata are identified against the background of the findings obtained.


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