Stealth Gamification in Self-Directed Non-formal Adult Education
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Adult Education
Informal Education

How to Cite

Barth, René. 2024. “Stealth Gamification in Self-Directed Non-Formal Adult Education: Arguments in Favour of a Subtle Approach for Age-Appropriate Implementation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 58 (JFMH2023):117-32.


Copyright (c) 2024 René Barth

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The digital transformation is boosting interest in online learning platforms, yet raises questions about designing motivating, age-appropriate offerings. Gamification, which is the integration of game elements and mechanisms into learning contexts among others, holds potential for increasing motivation, engagement, and learning performance. The effectiveness of gamification greatly depends on its acceptance by learners, especially among adults, where a subtle implementation might be necessary to circumvent the historically evident opposition between play and seriousness. The challenge lies in integrating playful aspects in such a way that they enhance learning motivation without obvious game mechanisms to avoid rejection. Research findings indicate that adult learners often critically view playful content in serious contexts, which can limit or prevent the impact of gamification. Therefore, successful application of gamification requires an understanding of the target audience, their perceptions, and attitudes. Future research should focus on developing age-specific strategies to effectively utilize the potential of gamification within self-directed non-formal educational programs such as online learning platforms.


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