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Supplementary Files

Anhang 1: MakeComp4School: Kompetenzen, Teilkompetenzen und Kompetenzindikatoren (Deutsch)
Anhang 2: Analyse der Making-Kompetenzmodelle (Deutsch)
Anhang 3: Analyse der BNE-Kompetenz-Frameworks (Deutsch)


Maker Education
interdisciplinary competencies
Education for sustainable development

How to Cite

Maurer, Björn. 2024. “Makecomp4School: Competence Framework for Maker Education in Schools With a Focus on Sustainable Development”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 56 (Making & more):518-58.


Copyright (c) 2024 Björn Maurer

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The aim of the present contribution is the conceptualization and further development of a competence framework for Maker Education in primary schools. The competence framework, with the working title «MakeComp4School», is intended to serve teachers as a basis for the selection and planning of making activities in the classroom. It is particularly aimed at increasing the connection of Maker Education to school curricula and demonstrating that school-based making is suitable for developing subject-specific and interdisciplinary competencies in line with educational policy frameworks (in this case, the national «Lehrplan21» in Switzerland). In addition, teachers using «MakeComp4School» should receive a tool with which they can make visible and appreciate their students‘ competency acquisition in the field of making. With a focus on current societal developments and challenges under the auspices of a culture of digitality (Stalder 2016), a key aspect of the competence framework is the transversal guiding principle of Sustainable Development (SD) and includes – where compatible with the objectives of Maker Education – competency areas of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The context of origin of the competence framework is the research project «Making Packages for Competency-Oriented Learning», carried out in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland (OST), the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (PHSG), the University of Teacher Education Thurgau (PHTG), and the business partner Bischoff AG. In this project, the Maker Competency Framework serves as the basis for the development and curation of maker activities that will be offered to educators on an OER (Open Educational Resources) web platform in the future.


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