Where Do I Have to Click?
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Teacher Education
learning community

How to Cite

Gantenbrink, Sina, and Moritz Knurr. 2024. “Where Do I Have to Click? Design Principles for an OEP-Promoting Digital Ecosystem”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 62 (InDigO):41-67. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/62/2024.07.03.X.


Copyright (c) 2024 Sina Gantenbrink, Moritz Knurr

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Open Educational Resources (OER) are accorded a great importance in current debates about freely accessible teaching and a new «culture of sharing». This enables to open up oneʼs own teaching by publishing materials and concepts using Creative Commons licenses. However, it is clear that users of OER repeatedly come up against certain limits. Even the search for suitable and matching materials is frustrating due to the abundance of different portals, each with their own login barriers. However, if a «culture of sharing» is to be established, there must also be appropriate digital spaces that enable easy access and take into account the social aspects of exchange and collaboration (open educational practice) on a digital level. Accordingly, this article deals with design principles and suggestions for an OEP-promoting digital ecosystem that supports a new culture of sharing OER at a technical level. Based on the experience gained in the InDigO project, a concept for a «wish platform» was derived that bundles the general requirements for an OEP-promoting online platform. The aim of this article is to present this platform of wishes together with a description of the foundations and experiences on which this platform is based.



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