From (Normative) Ideas to (Pedagogical) Practice
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Educational Technology
Digital Transformation
Educational Research

How to Cite

Otto, Daniel. 2024. “From (Normative) Ideas to (Pedagogical) Practice: A Critical Review of 20 Years of OER from the Perspective of Design-Oriented Educational Research”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 62 (InDigO):25-39.


Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Otto

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This paper examines the genesis of Open Educational Resources (OER) since its initiation in 2002. Germany, in particular, was minimally involved in developing and disseminating OER for a long time. However, various measures have made OER increasingly significant in Germany, particularly over the past decade. This paper outlines this development from the perspective of design-based media didactics. While an OER community mainly shaped the initial phase, there has been a shift towards a more structural incorporation of OER in higher education. The academic discourse has primarily focused on the reasons for and obstacles to the use of OER. This has led to significant insights, which are also beneficial for the further promotion of OER. Nevertheless, misunderstandings about OER persist, attributable to a more fundamental issue in the orientation of empirical educational research. However, the promotion of OER should not be based solely on the expectation of its impact on higher education per se but rather be understood as a potential to facilitate the transformation of education and universities. According to the thesis presented here, a more pragmatic stance is necessary for this transformation. This might entail enhancing the initially important and still influential bottom-up approach with a top-down perspective that addresses structural measures to ensure OER’s medium- and long-term promotion.


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