Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Competencies, Assessment and Instructional Design
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Artificial Intelligence
Higher Education

How to Cite

Klar, Maria, and Johannes Schleiss. 2024. “Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Competencies, Assessment and Instructional Design: Old and New Questions of Practices and Design”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 58 (JFMH2023):41-57.


Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Klar, Johannes Schleiss

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This article examines the impacts and issues of generative language models, a form of artificial intelligence (AI), in the areas of competencies, assessments, and instructional design. We discuss to what extent AI requires new competencies, makes competencies lose relevance, and leads to the loss of competencies. Changes in competencies also affect the design of assessment scenarios: The question arises as to where AI should be excluded from assessments and where it should be deliberately included. Both decisions have an impact on the reliability and practical relevance of the assessment. Here, AI acts as an amplifier of existing questions and issues. In the area of instructional design, AI offers to learners the possibility to adapt learning media to their own needs. Furthermore, AI can participate as an additional actor in instructional settings, raising questions about how this can change the social situation of learning. Following the view of constructive alignment, this article argues that AI should not be discussed in an isolated way, but integrated into competencies, assessments and instructional designs in a holistic way. Educational institutions need openness and room for experimentation to discuss and explore the resulting questions.


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