Information And Communication Competence - The "Reading And Writing" Of Ict Culture
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How to Cite

Stöcklin, Nando. 2012. “Information And Communication Competence - The ‘Reading And Writing’ Of Ict Culture”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2012 (Occasional Papers):1-13.


Copyright (c) 2012 Nando Stöcklin

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After writing and printing, the electronic media are currently leading to a third major change in the media. Such a change of media always leads to major changes in culture. According to Hans Magnus Enzensberger, a new culture is always oriented towards the old one at the beginning, only later does it become independent and build up its own character. Thus, the understanding of information literacy comes from times when the book was the leading medium. Measures to promote the competent handling of information, especially in libraries, as well as evaluations of the information competence of pupils or students are based on this understanding and corresponding models. The current shift from a culture ­dominated by books to a ­culture dominated by information and ­communication technologies (ICT) - first and foremost the Internet - necessitates a new understanding of information literacy. In the present text, a new definition, new standards and possible current contents for the promotion of information literacy are systematically derived from communication-theoretical and sociological considerations of the leading media change. Up to now, the promotion of information literacy has focused on the reception of texts. Now, the production and transmission of audio documents, videos, photos, graphics and animations are to be placed on an equal footing. Thus, the term "information literacy" is very similar to media literacy and ICT literacy.