Media Ethics: Rethinking Values. - Are There Standards In The Information Age?
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de Witt, Claudia, Rüdiger Funiok, Dieter Spanhel, Ben Bachmair, Theo Hug, Bardo Herzig, Gerhard Tulodziecki, Manfred Lang, and Rudolf Kammerl. 2001. “Media Ethics: Rethinking Values. - Are There Standards In The Information Age?”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2001 (Occasional Papers):1-22.


Copyright (c) 2001 Claudia de Witt, Rüdiger Funiok, Dieter Spanhel, Ben Bachmair, Theo Hug, Bardo Herzig, Gerhard Tulodziecki, Manfred Lang, Rudolf Kammerl

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In the transition from an information society to a knowledge society, the question of pedagogical standards proves to be particularly relevant. Although the development towards globalisation through the new media creates new possibilities for action, at the same time it also creates plurality and confusion in value orientations. A discussion of questions of media ethics must therefore aim at considerations of rethinking values. The following contributions were written against the background of the spring conference of the Commission for Media Education 2001 in Mainz. In the form of theses, the authors have dealt with the ethical challenges posed by the old and new media from different perspectives. Against this background, a multi-faceted contribution to media ethics has emerged.