Disability and Inclusion in Star Trek: A Longitudinal Media Analysis of Social Transformation Processes from the Perspective of Film Sociology
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Klinkhammer, Dennis. 2016. “Disability and Inclusion in Star Trek: A Longitudinal Media Analysis of Social Transformation Processes from the Perspective of Film Sociology”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 26 (Neue Fernsehserien):13–30. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/26/2016.08.18.X.


Copyright (c) 2016 Dennis Klinkhammer

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Film sociology can highlight the process of inclusive transformation within media and society by focusing on people with disabilities. It is about how people with disabilities are displayed in television series and how representation as well as general understanding of disabilities have evolved within the media. A longitudinal media analysis provides first insights on this process. In accordance with Disability Studies this analysis covers a period of 33 years by focusing on comparable and consecutive US television series. It outlines the paradigm shift from an exclusive society with heteronomous structures in the 60s, continues with an idealized inclusive process in the 70s and 80s that leads to a more realistic and self-determined representation of people with disabilities in the 90s. The analysis highlights the requirements for an adequate representation of disability and inclusion, as well as the didactical recommendations for education projects via media.


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