Aesthetic Experience And Visual Competence: On The Expansion Of Discursive Media Competence To Include Presentational Elements
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How to Cite

Mikos, Lothar. 2000. “Aesthetic Experience And Visual Competence: On The Expansion Of Discursive Media Competence To Include Presentational Elements”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 1 (Medienkompetenz):1-16.


Copyright (c) 2000 Lothar Mikos

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The author describes the current theoretical discourse around the concept of media literacy and states that it lacks the element of aesthetic experience, which is particularly important for children and young people. He describes non-linguistic elements of shared media experience as such. First of all, this is explained with rock music, which is part of a certain youth culture. The author relates rock music to milieu-specific socialisation, worlds of feeling and experience. Similar to music, images are also an important part of the aesthetic culture of children and adolescents, as the author explains in detailing the semiotic and cognitive-psychological foundations of image perception. He then relates the cognitive maturation processes to the development of media competencies. He argues that visual and musical competencies should not be subordinated to linear, unambiguous reading competencies, but should all be considered as components of media competency.