"Media Education" - Conceptual Understandings And Ranges
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How to Cite

Jörissen, Benjamin. 2011. “‘Media Education’ - Conceptual Understandings And Ranges”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 20 (Medienbildung - Medienkompetenz):211-35. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/20/2011.09.20.X.


Copyright (c) 2011 Benjamin Jörissen

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Based on a systematic demarcation of different understandings of "education" - firstly in the sense of an output on the educational policy/educational administrative level, secondly in the sense of pedagogically imparted learning outcomes (e.g. competences) and thirdly in the narrower educational theoretical sense as a process of transformation of self- and world relations - the essay highlights three different ways of understanding "media education". Accordingly, "media education" becomes distinguishable firstly as a global, fuzzy concept, secondly as a substitute for media-related learning goals in the sense of "media competence" and thirdly as a transformational-processual educational event in the horizon of mediality. The latter category is explained using the example of "structural media education" and made recognisable as a field of discussion in the making.