The Importance of Usability for Learning with Digital Media
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Karapanos, Marios, Cathrin Becker, and Eva Christophel. 2018. “The Importance of Usability for Learning With Digital Media”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2018 (Occasional Papers):36-57.


Copyright (c) 2018 Marios Karapanos, Cathrin Becker, Eva Christophel

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In a field study we examined the relationship between the system usability of a digital learning medium and the learning success of computer-assisted instruction quantitatively. 31 students from two advanced biology courses at a German secondary school took a web-based lesson on cell biology. We found a medium correlation between subjective usability ratings and test scores (r(28) = .384, p < .05). The relationship remained stable even after controlling for personality traits and states relevant to learning success by using multiple regression. Prior knowledge, numerical reasoning, current motivation, and system usability accounted for 52.9% of the observed test score variance. Furthermore, we found a medium correlation between system usability and students interest in the learning task (r(28) = .396, p < .05). We therefore conclude that usability seems to be a significant attribute of interaction when students learn with digital media. The results of our study revealed that usability explained substantial individual differences in computer assisted knowledge acquisition and appears to be an essential success factor for the digital transformation of teaching and learning.


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