The Mediatisation of Professional Pedagogical Practice - Social Networks in Early Childhood Education and Care


Social Networks
Early Childhood Education and Care

How to Cite

Knauf, Helen. 2016. “The Mediatisation of Professional Pedagogical Practice - Social Networks in Early Childhood Education and Care”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2016 (Occasional Papers):20-36.


Copyright (c) 2016 Helen Knauf

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Early childhood education centres in Germany today are increasingly using social networks to present their work. This article puts this development into the context of a comprehensive process of mediatisation. Using two group discussions with teachers in early childhood education and care centres, I will show that the route via a social network is not just a new communication channel, but that the content communicated, the relationships between the actors, and the identity of the institution are also changed by it. Legal ambiguities, technical infrastructure and a lack of experience are identified as crucial barriers to the use of social networks. From the perspective of the users, social networks primarily create opportunities for a higher level of feedback for the pedagogical practitioners, more transparency and information for parents, and various points of reference for conversations between adults and children about learning processes.


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