Mobility – innovative impulses for pedagogy and media education in a disparate culture
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Media Education

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Bachmair, Ben. 2017. “Mobility – Innovative Impulses for Pedagogy and Media Education in a Disparate Culture”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 29 (Konstitution d. Medienpädagogik):195-215.


Copyright (c) 2017 Ben Bachmair

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Mobility comprises the individualized mobility of mass communication which is established in everyday life by mobile devices and Internet, furthermore the mobility of refugees and global migration which is currently pushing Europe among others into a mode of crisis. These forms of mobility are dynamic elements of a culture characterized by the fact that people have to produce cultural coherence for the structural conditions of their lives. After explaining what is meant by the concept of a disparate culture, a discussion follows about the tasks and options for pedagogy and media pedagogy which emerge in a disparate culture. To achieve this, the two forms of mobility are linked to the concepts of contexts and cultural resources. The draft of two scenarios for second language learning in schools tries to make concrete the theoretical consideration on mobility, contexts and cultural resources. The third part introduces the necessary pedagogical self-reflection in the tradition of hermeneutics and proposes to classify hermeneutics as reflection in contexts. This focuses to Muslim education and educational responses to the migration of Muslims. The concept of citizenship should give the guidelines for the development of the identity of children and young people. A pilot project in a neighbourhood of London with a Muslim cultural orientation tries to make concrete how citizenship as educational objective enhances as well social learning with current mobile cultural resources, specifically the mobile phone, as it supports the second language acquisition.


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