"On The Theory Of Teaching" - The Online Version: Traditional University Teaching Compared With An E-Learning Conception
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How to Cite

Schumacher, Susanne. 2003. “‘On The Theory Of Teaching’ - The Online Version: Traditional University Teaching Compared With An E-Learning Conception”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 7 (Medien in der Erz.-wissenschaft):1-15. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/07/2003.10.16.X.


Copyright (c) 2003 Susanne Schumacher

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In the context of teacher training at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz Campus, the experiences with the use of new media were documented in an accompanying study. The aim was to find out whether and which relationships can be discerned between specific prerequisites of the participants and their acceptance and study behaviour as users of new media. To be more precise: Are age, gender and course of study decisive criteria for the choice of an online course and what is the relationship between the performance requirements and the effort required?