[If the Statement Is:] Learning History by Playing? [This Refers to?]
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Media Education
Game Design

How to Cite

Winnerling, Tobias. 2017. “[If the Statement Is:] Learning History by Playing? [This Refers to?]”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 28 (Bildung gemeinsam verändern):19-27. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/28/2017.02.22.X.


Copyright (c) 2017 Tobias Winnerling

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Digital games with historical background constitute a form of remedializing references to ‹history› in popular culture that still is disputed by the historical sciences. The question ‹Is meaningful historical learning by playing digital games possible?› gives rise to two points of discussion to be addressed with care. First: in discussing digital games' representational logics of remedializing ‹the historical› the historical sciences need to distinguish carefully. Digital games are neither totally alien to the modes of historical academia in this respect, nor may they be judged according to academic standards wholesale. Second: there has to be a clear definition of the didactic goals to be achieved as well as of the types of games needed to achieve them. Focussing only on a dichotomy of blockbuster titles/serious games needs to be overcome. To make a didactically promising use of digital games in imparting historical knowledge possible, the relations established by those games in referencing ‹the historical› have to be framed in a way that allows offering additional information without destabilizing their in-game functionality.


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