Investigating, Commenting and Compiling Free Online Learning Content with Students
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Media Education

How to Cite

Krebs, Jakob, and Sabine Reh. 2017. “Investigating, Commenting and Compiling Free Online Learning Content With Students”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 28 (Bildung gemeinsam verändern):85-92.


Copyright (c) 2017 Jakob Krebs, Sabine Reh

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


How can students compile free educational online content and present it as thematically structured self-study material, which can be found by fellow students, interested lay persons, or instructors of educational institutions? The following report reconstructs a learning scenario, in which students investigate, comment and compile available online content in order to create an additional online repository for the radio shows of the hr-Funkkolleg Philosophie 2014/15. Initial conditions of this unusual cooperation between the university and a radio station are introduced in the first section. The second sketches the didactic design together with the structure of this product-oriented and collaborative learning environment with Wiki-support. In the third section, the students' learning success and some challenges are pointed out, both in accordance with the final evaluation. The fourth section exploits experiences from the project for regular teaching and learning scenarios, in which not only students with didactic interests can profit from a collaborative design of online repositories. A productive combination of Blended, Peer-Assisted and Service Learning is illustrated by this report.


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