Requirement analysis of a future electronic text book for schools
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Media Education
Learning scenarios
text books

How to Cite

Froitzheim, Manuel. 2017. “Requirement Analysis of a Future Electronic Text Book for Schools”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 28 (Bildung gemeinsam verändern):108-15.


Copyright (c) 2017 Manuel Froitzheim

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The equipment of a classroom in 2030 desired by teachers and learners was gathered in an exploration study. For this purpose, the persons questioned could design and equip an empty classroom in a simulation according to their needs from a multitude of given equipment items. The participants were questioned about the reasons for the decisions during the simulation. The simulation process was recorded for the evaluation. Furthermore, the use of media preferred by the persons questioned and the main medium of the lesson within the simulation were examined in order to develop an electronic textbook orientated towards the preferences of teachers and learners – because the question arises whether a non-dynamic book is sufficient in the learning scenarios preferred by the persons questioned or whether further functions are necessary. The development of an electronic textbook with interactive and multi-media contents can take place in a goal-oriented way on the basis of the findings. In this regard, the task culture in an electronic textbook should progress towards collaborative task formats as well according to the persons questioned.


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