Media of the Fear. Terror education in the US-American TV serials 24 and Sleeper Cell
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Media Education
Film Education

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Kleiner, Marcus S. 2017. “Media of the Fear. Terror Education in the US-American TV Serials 24 and Sleeper Cell”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 26 (Neue Fernsehserien):117-37.


Copyright (c) 2017 Marcus S. Kleiner

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In this article it is discussed how popular media productions, here the fictional TV serial, articulate social pictures as well as discourses about terrorism. Moreover both TV serials 24 and Sleeper Cell are analysed. Both perform educational processes in dealing with the terrorism: on the one hand 24 gives an outside view of the terrorism, on the other hand, Sleeper Cell shows an inside view of a terror cell. These both series are the first TV serials, which make the menace by terror and the fight against terror the main theme. These series are ground breaking for the reinforced discussion with the terror in US-American TV serials.


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