Agency practically imparted: a media-didactical workshop conception
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Handlungskompetenz praktisch vermitteln - ein mediendidaktisches Workshopkonzept für Hochschullehrende (Deutsch)


Media Education
Further Education

How to Cite

Mehner, Caroline, and Mirjam Janowitz. 2017. “Agency Practically Imparted: A Media-Didactical Workshop Conception”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 28 (Bildung gemeinsam verändern):154-58.


Copyright (c) 2017 Caroline Mehner, Mirjam Janowitz

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The following article introduces a multilevel media-didactical workshop conception, which was developed within the Saxonian network-project for Higher Education Lehrpraxis im Transfer. The aim is the practical teaching of basic didactics through case studies. The workshop was developed within the Saxonian network-project Lehrpraxis im Transfer (LiT) in the field of new media. The article will present the philosophy and generation of «Neue Lehre durch Neue Medien? – Sinnvoller Einsatz von Neuen Medien in der Hochschullehre» and pursue the conception and its implementation. It focuses all teachers in higher education of all subjects and introduces basics in media-didactics and Higher Education by the use of good practice. The workshop addresses teachers in Higher Education, aiming to achieve the certificate of the Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen – Center for Higher Education in Saxony (HDS) within the field of new media. «Neue Lehre durch Neue Medien?» is currently edited for the use as Open Educational Resource.


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