Reflections on the constitution of media education
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relational Media Education

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Meder, Norbert. 2017. “Reflections on the Constitution of Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 29 (Konstitution d. Medienpädagogik):1-16.


Copyright (c) 2017 Norbert Meder

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In this paper constitutional conditions of media education on several levels are analysed. The anthropological perspective is distinguished from the epistemological point of view. Sociological and cultural aspects are reflected in order to show the common ground of such foundations of media education. It is pointed out that they converge in the german term «Bildsamkeit» (educability), which is directly connected to «Bildung» (education). In this context, it becomes clear that the pedagogical action is not determined, but is open. In a second step, the mediality of educational processes are focused and communication, presentation and interaction media a differentiated. In this plural mediality, a necessary constituent of general and media pedagogy is finally proposed.


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