Plea For Open Learning Environments
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How to Cite

Schulmeister, Rolf. 2017. “Plea For Open Learning Environments”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 4 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):43-53.


Copyright (c) 2017 Rolf Schulmeister

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


I would like to begin by making three assertions or theses, and perhaps I will succeed in making them plausible through some arguments in the following essay: - Teaching and learning do not differ according to whether they take place in face-to-face learning phases or in virtual learning environments. This statement also applies to teaching methods and learning methods. - However, some teaching-learning methods seem to be more suitable for virtual learning environments than other methods. I count the so-called "open learning environments" among the teaching-learning methods that are more suitable for virtual learning. - Virtual learning only achieves a quality adequate to face-to-face learning when it allows a high degree of activity and/or enables intensive communication. However, I must first introduce a distinction that somewhat narrows the scope of these theses: I distinguish eLearning environments according to whether they offer a relatively standardised canon of knowledge and thus enable individual learning, or whether they do not initially prescribe a body of knowledge but take a project-oriented approach and aim at the formation of so-called knowledge communities. In other words, eLearning environments vary from individual self-study to cooperative learning and knowledge communities (Schulmeister 2003, pp. 163-187), from asynchronous learning with digital learning objects to synchronous discussions with other students.