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Grundlagen einer Medienpädagogik

How to Cite

Doelker, Christian. 2017. “Introduction”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education, no. Grundlagen e. Medienpädagogik (August):9-21.


Copyright (c) 2017 Christian Doelker

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Media are part of our daily experience. In a threefold sense: we get part of our experience from the media. We only come into contact with some things through the media, indirectly and no longer directly. Today, thanks to the media, we live in a greatly expanded world, but also in a much more mediated world than previous generations. We experience everyday life in a constant reference to the media. We talk about topics that the media have brought into the world. We believe that they are therefore important. We may not think that anything else would be more important. Media also change our primary experience. They influence our perceptions, our ideas, our sensorium of space and time, our dreams, our willingness to engage with reality. Instead of using media to contribute to the fulfilment of life, they are used and abused to fill it. Such and similar problems lead us into medias res - right into our concerns, right into our topic. In media media - in the middle of the media. We need to reflect on the importance that the media have for us. And to optimise it: It is about the optimal integration of the media into the life of the individual. This is what media education strives for. Its concerns are anything but simple. They are not new either, by the way.