Work-related learning with Twitter and YouTube: Social Media as amorphous space for networks and the constitution of learning communities
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Media Education
Adult Education

How to Cite

Burchert, Joanna, and Michael Burchert. 2018. “Work-Related Learning With Twitter and YouTube: Social Media As Amorphous Space for Networks and the Constitution of Learning Communities”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 30 (Erwachsenenbildung):36-49.


Copyright (c) 2018 Joanna Burchert, Michael Burchert

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Continuing vocational education and training is now also taking place online. Often, however, the pedagogical value of digital media for job-related learning remains unclear: on the one hand, there is the chance of independent use of learning resources; on the other hand, it is questionable whether and how digital tools can support processes of meaning making and reflection. In this article, we look at this educational question and, using two examples from informal learning contexts – Twitter and YouTube – describe why and how digital media here supports job-related learning. We reflect these empirically found learning forms with reference to the network metaphor, the theory of situated cognition (Resnick et al. 1997, Lave/Wenger 1999, Fox 2000) and the knowledge building approach (Scardamalia/Bereiter 2014). These considerations lead to broader, critical-reflective media literacy concept for vocational education of specialists. We want to empower craftsmen and professionals to cross the boundaries of formal training, to participate in social media interest groups and to shape amorphous vocational education settings.


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