Adult education and media education: LinkedIn & Lynda, XING and Google as training providers
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Media Education
Adult Education

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Grotlüschen, Anke. 2018. “Adult Education and Media Education: LinkedIn & Lynda, XING and Google As Training Providers”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 30 (Erwachsenenbildung):94-115.


Copyright (c) 2018 Anke Grotlüschen

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


One of the well-known systematic approaches towards adult education is the subdivision into didactical levels of action – micro, meso and macro levels (Schmidt-Lauff 2012). Focusing internationalization and globalization another layer was added, called mega-level (Egetenmeyer et al. 2017). These levels use Tietgen's didactical levels. Digital options for adult education (from augmented reality to webinar) now will be integrated into the layers. Thus it becomes visible that the tasks adult educators have to fulfil, always contain scrutinizing and finding reasonable didactical arrangements. One central aspect cannot be inserted easily into the classical model: The question of personalized advertising and the use of big data like CVs and search engines for vacancies. This is recently being provided by digital enterprises (XING, Google, LinkedIn). They take advantage of their data to enter the training market. This paper presents three case studies to carefully give an estimation whether this is becoming a disruptive development for the training market.


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